Open call for artist

The water perspective: rethinking relationships between city and nature



“The supreme goodness is like water. It benefits all things without contention.

In dwelling, it stays grounded.

In being, it flows to depths.

In expression, it is honest.

In confrontation, it stays gentle.

In governance, it does not control.

In action, it aligns to timing.

It is content with its nature and therefore cannot be faulted.” 

Tao-te-ching (By Laozi, 400 BC)

From classical culture we have inherited the knowledge of the four elements of which nature is made up: Earth, Water, Air and Fire (5 according to some traditions such as the Chinese or Ayurvedic ones which add Ether).

Without taking anything away from the other elements, we want to explore the water element which, through its adaptability, can teach us important lessons about our internal and external world. Our inner world is made of this element: how can we recognize it within ourselves? are we fluid like water or rigid like ice? Are we clear like a river or cloudy like a pond?

In nature, in our tangible world, water plays a vital role in our ecosystems as well as in our communities: it supports biodiversity, contributes to climate regulation, builds social solidarity.

Artists in residence at Cascina Falchera

We are looking for an artist in residency programme within the Project DESIRE who relates to the context and the work team. It is proposed that the artist develop new protocols for rethinking and reshaping the relationship between cities and nature. We invite the artist to submit a proposal that can integrate into an existing practice or the creation of a new work relevant to the topic. The guiding theme is water and the residency will be interdisciplinary in the framework of biodiversity (natural and social) using analogical and/or digital means. During the residency it will also be possible to request the support and collaboration of expert facilitators, architects and service designers.

Proposal Submission   

This is an open call for a visual artist between 25 to 35 years old.  

Cascina Falchera expects that the artist will: 

As a result of the residency, an artistic artifact or one of a digital nature is requested that will remain at the disposal of Cascina Falchera. The result, according to the rules established by the Horizon programme fundings (EU), will be owned by Consorzio Kairos. 

The application must be submitted before 2 April 2024, 23:59 CET by sending an email to

The email must contain:

For further info please contact

A Commettee will be appointed and communicated on Cascina Falchera’s social media.The selected artist will receive a notification email maximum within 15 days after the call expires.

Fee and costs

The artist will receive a fee of 4.000 euros upon completion of the work and upon sending a receipt or invoice. 

Travel costs, food and local transportation are not covered by Consorzio Kairos. 

The artist will not be staying in Cascina Falchera

DESIRE PROJECT >>>> Desire experiments with creating sustainable, attractive, and inclusive urban spaces which respect the limited resources of the planet, with the recycling of materials, and in interaction with citizens, artists, architects, designers, urban planners, contractors, builders, knowledge institutions, and other organisations.In short – Desire creates irresistible change. We are one of the European Commission’s six New European Bauhaus lighthouse demonstrators. The New European Bauhaus initiative wants to bridge the worlds of art, design, architecture, culture, and education with science and technology in the green transition – and to get a new generation of green-social builders and artists involved.  >>> > > > Read our Manifesto < < < <<<

CASCINA FALCHERA >>>> Cascina Falchera is (Turin, IT) is an urban farming and educational area on the outskirts of the City of Turin, aims to regenerate the area through circularity principles and as part of an innovative urban regeneration movement to support the local community and reconnect people, especially the young generations, with natural spaces and the biodiversity and historical as well as and environmental values of the neighborhood.